Tuesday, March 24, 2020

HW Creativity

Creativity is something that everyone has, but not everyone fully utilizes. With the introduction of the internet and digitization, there is no limitations to how creative one can be. Even though it may seem impossible to be original, people are continuing to create unique content and paving the way for other creators to build off of their ideas. One example of this would be mashups of rap parodies that were created back in the late 2000’s. According to a NYTimes article, “The postings (called mash-ups), are made by editing together snippets of animated movies and TV shows. The finished products look like music videos in which the cartoon characters do the singing.” Digitization has enabled creators to utilize content that already exists and be able to create a unique and enjoyable style of content. Creativity plays a big role in this because everyone has their own interpretation of what they find enjoyable. This is why people have created their own versions of these mashups with movies and tv shows that they find enjoyable.

            New media has also provided many businesses the tools to be creative as well. Since social media allow millions of people to be able to connect with each other, business owners are able to use it to their advantage when it comes to digital marketing. According to the article How user-generated content can improve your social media marketing strategy, “You're no doubt familiar with the power of "real-person" ads: according to research from Stackla, 90% of consumers say authentic info regarding brands and products is important to them”. Having real and authentic reviews about a company’s products and services can drastically improve their profits, which is why these business owners have to be creative in figuring out ways to interact with their clientele. Some ways they can do this is by asking for user-created videos, shout-outs on social media promoting their company, and by offering incentives. If done successfully, the user-generated posts will yield a positive outlook for the company and further strengthen the business and consumer relationship.

How User-generated Content Can Improve Your Social Media Marketing Strategy. Lisa Mulcahy 2/26/2020  https://exclusive.multibriefs.com/content/how-user-generated-content-can-improve-your-social-media-marketing-st/marketing

The New Math of Mashups from The New Yorker Magazine 2005. http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2005/01/10/050110crmu_music 

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