New media has introduced new tools into the market that businesses around the world can utilize. These tools are meant to not only increase sales for businesses, but also increase convenience for customers. As a small business owner, I personally know how helpful an e-commerce website can be. The purpose of this tool is to provide small businesses the ability to expand their outreach to people around the world, while also providing important analytical information about individuals interacting with the website. My website, has allowed me to expand my clientele to include people outside of just my general area. One thing that I personally find really helpful about having an online business is the fact that I am able to keep track of my inventory on a regular basis. Before transitioning my business online, I had to manually take note of every item I had sold alongside the selling price, and regularly update this excel file. Now, my inventory automatically updates as soon as one of my sneakers get purchased and this information is all recorded on the analytics page of my website.
One way that running an online business has fostered creativity for me is by figuring out how to properly market myself. Having a logo to represent your business is essential in differentiating yourself against competition, this why I had spent time with a digital designer to create the logo that I currently have. I wanted something that best represented the sneaker community as that is what my business is revolves around which is why I had decided to use an outline of an Nike Air Jordan 1.This classical sneaker is something almost every sneaker-head knows of, and I felt it best represented my business. When it came to choose the name for my online business, I also wanted something that was both easy to read and understand. Being from New York City and selling sneakers, I felt that NYCSneaks was a name people could remember. I also have created a twitter and Instagram handle that I plan on utilizing in the near future to help promote my website. Utilizing social media is important and a good way to further advertise things which will increase user traffic.
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