Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Next New

Innovation is something that many companies strive for, spending millions and even billions for a chance find something new that can help change an industry or the way society works. Things like FaceBook, YouTube, and other forms of new media have become planted into our daily routines with everyone interacting with some form of new media. One new media that can potentially revolutionize society would be video chatting rooms through live holograms. This would remove the need for people to travel around the globe as they can easily be projected infront of potential clients, friends, or family. Although virtual reality rooms already exist, replacing a person through a virtual character will never provide the same experience. Through holographic interaction, people will be able to showcase their true emotions, and it will be as if they are actually in the room. There have already been cases were holograms were used for live concerts such as Coachella, and they were deemed to be a very successful feat to achieve. This would be especially helpful in times like today, where COVID-19 has limited interactions between friends and family and moved it strictly online through video chat. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jaskirat, this seems like a great idea! This is also very relevant to our current COVID-19 times. As many people are practicing social distancing, holograms would be great to adapt to make up for them not being present. I actually didn't know concerts had used holograms--cool to know!


Next New

Innovation is something that many companies strive for, spending millions and even billions for a chance find something new that can help ...