Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Wiki So Far

     After browsing the new media wiki, I was surprised to see all of the different information that people have contributed over the years. Personally, I am someone who enjoys keeping up to date on video games and streaming platforms and after looking at those sections I noticed a few of them were outdated. So far I have contributed onto the Twitch Page by adding the latest data on the most streamed video games as of April 2020. While browsing these specific pages, I also noticed that the information was outdated for a few of the streamers that were listed, so I made some minor edits in terms of statistics on the streamers apart of the page. One of these streamers who I edited was Shroud, who is a very popular streamer in the gaming industry. 
     My next big goal is to add a new column describing a video game that was recently released. The video game goes by the name of Valorant and it was released on April 12th, 2020. I am doing some research on the game in order to incorporate the correct information into different sections of the wikipedia. I plan on writing about what the core mechanics of the game, what it is competing against, the platforms it is currently being streamed, and its average daily viewers. Alongside this, I will update the sections on the various other video game titles that are on the page if they are outdated as well.

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